EUROSAI Congress in Istanbul
Thank you for your attention and interest. We are in fact in the same boat, but we should be also on the same page. For that to happen – vote Czechs!
Our employees on maternity leave come to visit
Employees, who are on a parental leave are still part of our team. We send them the internal SAO magazine and they also visit the office to keep in touch with the news.
Meeting with the SAI of Germany to discuss the coordinated audit, 2–4 May
Coordinated audits are one of the important parts of international cooperation of the Czech SAO. We are just starting the preparation of coordinated audit of the electronic trading with the SAI of Germany.
First meeting of both audit teams about the audit of electronic trading took place in Bonn from 2 to 4 May.
International seminar about sustainable energy, 27 April
We organised an international seminar about challenges in the field of sustainable energy and energy savings in the Chamber of Deputies. We appreciated it very much that our colleagues from China, the ECA, the USA, Slovakia, and Poland took an active part in it.
At the seminar, our auditors introduced two projects which we co-operated on with our colleagues from other member SAI´s of the INTOSAI WGEA.
We held a thorough discussion not only with the Deputies but also with representatives of the Office of the President of the Czech Republic, the Office of the Government of the Czech Republic, the Ministry of the Environment, and the Ministry of Industry and Trade about challenges in this area.
President of the Czech SAO at the University of Economics, 7 April
Mr President Kala spoke to students and lecturers of the University of Economics in Prague. He was the main guest of the conference „Theoretical and practical aspects of public finance“. His presentation was about the state of public finance of Czech republic in the last year.
Attending the conference „Theoretical and practical aspects of public finance“ was one of many occasions of cooperation of the SAO of Czech republic and universities. „I am always glad when I have the chance to talk with young students about public finance issues. It’s always inspiring to see the perspective of young people on that.
Seminar focused on implementation of the ISSAI 300, 5-6 April
The SAO auditors took part in a seminar entitled “Implementation of the ISSAI 300 – Fundamental Principles of Performance Auditing – experience and best practice”, which took place in the capital of Slovakia, Bratislava. In their presentation, they introduced the BIEP project to other SAIs.
Sharing information and experiences from audits was the main goal of the seminar and also of our project called BIEP. The Seminar gave us a great chance to discuss new developments in the BIEP project with cooperating SAIs.
Meeting of the EUROSAI WG on the Audit of Funds allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes, 30-31 March
The representatives of the Czech SAO took part in the 3rd annual meeting of the EUROSAI Working Group on the Audit of Funds allocated to Disasters and Catastrophes in Rome. They informed the participants about the EUROSAI databases of audits and products which were setup by the EUROSAI GT3 under the leadership of the Czech SAO.
Appointment of a new member of The Czech SAO, 14 March
The new member of the SAO Board takes an oath in front of the chairman of the Chamber of Deputies. The ceremonial took place at the Chamber of Deputies at the presence of the Vice-President of the SAO.
Open Data Expo Prague, 7 March
President of the Czech SAO visited the Open Data Expo to support the idea of open data in public sphere. The Czech SAO was the first public institution, which made its data available in the National Register of Open Data.
Head of the communication department of the Czech SAO gave a really interesting presentation about open data in the Czech SAO in front of enthusiastic audience.
Team of the Czech SAO in the middle of discussion just a few minutes before their presentation.