Air Quality and Circular Economy Conference

September 2019, Prague

On 17 September 2019, the Supreme Audit Office (SAO) hosted a conference focusing on current environmental issues. The main topics were improving air quality and circular economy.

The conference was attended by professional public, SAO staff and other invited guests and the participants were acquainted with the legislation in the field of air quality and circular economy, with new developments in the above-mentioned areas, the main trends and examples of good practice. An integral part of the programme was the presentation of the results of the SAO's audit report on air quality.

The organisers also presented the main points of the international project Greening Cities - Sustainable Urban Development, which was led by the SAO within the INTOSAI WGEA working group. The representatives of the Slovak Supreme Audit Office, Ms Ľubica Gazdová, Director General of the Audit Section, and Mr Vladimír Maťuš from the Audit Department I, also participated in this project.

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