EUROSAI Training Event - Auditing of Social Security Systems
10 – 12 November 2008
Prague, Czech Republic
Various social issues, such as ageing population, unemployment, education, family issues, care provided to the disabled etc. are widely discussed in most if not all of our countries and have a great share on expenses of state budgets. Social security systems form one of the pillars of our society. Seeing the importance of this topic and being aware of how invaluable sharing experience and exchanging views on international level is, the Czech Supreme Audit Office organised a seminar focused on some of the related topics.
General information about the seminar
The official title of the seminar was "Auditing of Social Security Systems". The following topics were covered in the plenary and discussion groups:
- the European Social Fund
- Fraud and Abuse in Social Security Systems
- Social Services Support (Family, Health, Non Governmental Organisations, etc.)
The main objectives of the seminar were to discuss various topical issues, to learn new lessons and, in particular, to share experience at an international level. The secondary aim of the seminar was to strengthen the networking of SAIs in social security audit field by encouraging participants to make useful contacts.
- Draft Agenda of the Seminar (PDF File, 140 kB)
- List of Participants (PDF File 158 kB)
- Practical information (PDF File 107 kB)
Topic 1
European Social Fund
Keynote Presentations:
- ESF - Audit Aspects and Experiences from ECA
(PDF File 1,46 MB)
- ESF in the Czech Republic and Experiences from ESF Audit (PDF File 215 kB)
- ESF Programmes (PDF File 351 kB)
Discussion Group Presentations:
- Employment and Training Corporation: Training and Employment Exposure Scheme (PDF File 134 kB)
- Audit of the European Social Fund (PDF File 159 kB)
- ECA Special Report on the Contribution of the European Social Fund in Combating Early School Leaving
(PDF File 1,26 MB)
- Experiences from Audits of Programmes Financed under the European Social Fund in Slovakia (PDF File 3,7 MB)
- ESF Audits by the SAI of the Netherlands: Strategy, Approach and Results (PDF File 279 kB)
- Report from Discussion Group 1 (PDF File 127 kB)
Supporting Materials:
- Report to the Contact Committee of the Heads of the Supreme Audit Institutions of the EU Member States and the European Court of Auditors: Parallel Audit of the Management and Control Systems for Assistance Granted under the Structural Funds (PDF File 288 kB)
- Contact Committee Working Group on Structural Funds: Audit Plan (PDF File 215 kB)
Topic 2
Fraud and Abuse in Social Security Systems
Keynote Presentations:
- A New Zealand Perspective to Fraud (PDF File 730 kB)
- Auditing of Social Security Systems – The Canadian Perspective (PDF File 181 kB)
Discussion Group Presentations:
- Progress in Tackling Benefit Fraud (PDF File 564 kB)
- Anti-fraud Policy in the Social Sphere: Some Lessons from the French Experience (PDF File 81 kB) + paper (PDF File 107 kB)
- New Challenge for TCA (Turkish Court of Accounts); Social Security Audit (PDF File 1,02 MB) +
(PDF File 124 kB)
- Audits of State Provided Services for Disabled Persons (PDF File 905 kB)
- Report from Discussion Group 2 (PDF File 108 kB)
Topic 3
Social Services Support (Family, Health, NGOs ..)
Keynote Presentations:
- Financing of Non-Profit Organisations in the Social Field (PDF File 167 kB)
- European Employment and Social Policy and Financial Instruments (PDF File 159 kB)
- Prospects of the Future Demographic Development in the Czech Republic and Possible Consequences of the Population Ageing in the Sphere of Social Policy
(PDF File 579 kB)
- The Government’s Family Support Plans (PDF File 147 kB)
Discussion Group Presentations:
- Bulgarian Experience with Audits in the Field of Family Policy (PDF File 132 kB)
- Providing Proper Social Care (PDF File 91 kB)
- Audit of Social Services Support of Women and Children: Experience of the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine
(PDF File 265 kB) + annex 1 (PDF File 61 kB), annex 2 (PDF File 72 kB), annex 3 (PDF File 80 kB)
- Family Policy in the Czech Republic (PDF File 214 kB)
- Privatisation of Medical Services: Audit Experiences 2006 (PDF File 96 kB)
- Experiences of Auditing Homes for the Aged and Orphanages (PDF File 26 kB)
- The Cour des Comptes’ Audit of NGOs Funded by the State Budget and Donations (PDF File 91 kB)
- Social Integration of the Disabled (PDF File 1,15 MB)
- Role of NGOs in Preventing Public Health Problems
(PDF File 246 kB)
- Report from Discussion Group 3 (PDF File 138 kB)
Questionnaire by SAO
- The Questionnaire (blank version)
(PDF File 61 kB) - Results of the Questionnaire – A Brief Summary
(PDF File 64 kB) - Results of the Questionnaire – Audits by SAIs (Summary)
(PDF File 61 kB)

Group Photo (JPG File 503 kB)