SAO organized a seminar aimed at fight against corruption
On September 12, 2011, a one-day seminar on fight against corruption took place the U Hájků congress centre in Prague. Afterwards, members of the INTOSAI Working Group on Fight Against Corruption and Money Laundering (INTOSAI WGFACML) met on September 13–14, 2011. Both events were organized by the Supreme Audit Office of the Czech Republic (SAO), which has been a member of the working group since last year.
The seminar was attended by 72 delegates. Among the speakers at the meeting were representatives of the International Anti-Corruption Academy established in Austria, the European Commission, the European Anti-Fraud Office, the Transparency International, The Office of the Supreme Public Prosecutor of the Czech Republic, the Czech Institute of Internal Auditors, the University of Economics in Prague, and delegates from supreme audit institutions of the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, and Norway.
The Seminar aimed at three topics: 1. trends, attitudes, and achievements of the fight against corruption; 2. moral principles, the transparency at work, and responsibility of the involved public administration institutions; 3. statutes and powers of international institutions that deal with corruption and money laundering and guidelines to assist in combating corruption through audits (presentations were given by delegates from supreme audit institutions).
During the meeting of INTOSAI WGFACML (presently chaired by the supreme audit institution of Egypt) participants were given information about the latest developments of INTOSAI guidelines aimed at supporting supreme audit institutions in combating corruption, financial fraud and money laundering, about future educational programmes and cooperation with the INTOSAI Working Group on Environmental Auditing, and were informed of a future database, which would gather the most effective ways of dealing with corruption and money laundering. In the end of the meeting, a delegate from the World Bank told the participants about activities of the Bank within the field.
The massive turnouts at the seminar as well as at the meeting of INTOSAI WGFACML prove the fact that fight against corruption is among crucial topics at present and information exchange among auditors and experts from other institutions can bring profit to all participants.
Department of International Relations
Supreme Audit Office