SAO audit: Material accounting irregularities amounting to CZK 15.6 billion corrected by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, data are reliable

PRESS RELEASE ON AUDIT NO 23/18 – 5 August 2024

The Supreme Audit Office (SAO) audited the closing account, accounting and financial statements of the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TACR) for the year 2023. The auditors also focused on the data submitted by TACR for the evaluation of the state budget implementation. Thanks to the fact that the audit started already during the 2023 financial year, TACR was able to continuously correct material shortcomings identified by the SAO auditors. These were accounting irregularities that would have had an impact of CZK 15.6 billion on the balances of items in TACR's 2023 financial statements.

The accounting corrections related mainly to the area of costs and contingent liabilities from the Research & Development support provided. In addition, the TACR implemented corresponding systemic measures in accounting and reporting. In the SAO's opinion, following the corrections made, the accounts of the TACR were kept in accordance with the legal provisions and the financial statements give a true and fair view of the subject of the accounting.

The auditors found numerous shortcomings in the original draft of the closing account of the TACR that would have affected its informative value. The SAO found a non-material irregularity in the data submitted by the TACR for the evaluation of the state budget implementation for 2023. The TACR corrected these shortcomings as well. As a result, the SAO considers the data of the closing account of the TACR and the data submitted by the TACR for the evaluation of the state budget implementation for 2023 to be reliable.

The internal control system of the TACR was assessed by the SAO as effective after the measures taken during the audit in the audited areas.

Chart - Audit No 23/18

Communication Department
Supreme Audit Office

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