Other Publications
Apart from regularly-issued publications, the SAO also publishes special publications such as reports from joint/coordinated audits, compilations on special occasions, or various promotional and informational materials.

Social Insurance Administration in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic (report on coordinated audit)

EUROSAI Project Group on auditing the response to the COVID-19 pandemic has published its first report on the group’s activities

Audit Compendium of the Contact Committee - Cybersecurity in the EU and its Member States

Tax and subsidy support for climate and energy policy in the Czech and Slovak Republics (report on the coordinated audit SAO CR and SAO SR)

Report on the coordinated audit carried out by NKÚ and BRH on VAT under the mini one-stop shop scheme

Handbook of International Public Sector Accounting Pronouncements (IPSAS) - Czech translation

Contribution of the Structural Funds to the Europe 2020 Strategy in the areas of Employment and/or Education

Energy Savings

Joint report on the Results of Parallel Audits of Excise Duty Administration in the Slovak Republic and in the Czech Republic

Joint report - Funds earmarked for the implementation of the Swiss–Czech Cooperation Programme

Funds earmarked for the funding of projects implemented within the OP Cross-Border Cooperation the CR-Poland 2007-2013 (joint report NKU and NIK)

Procurement of public building and corruption prevention - Joint report on parallel audit NKÚ and BRH

Auditing Sustainable Energy - Guidance for Supreme Audit Institutions

State financial means earmarked for supporting and integration of disabled persons

Administration of Value Added Tax in the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany (Follow-up Audit Report)

Parallel Audit of the Costs of Controls (incl. Technical Assistance)

Audit of the Management and Control Systems of the EU Structural Funds

Report on implementation of the NATURA 2000 NETWORK in Europe

Report on the Results of the Parallel Audit of the Administration of Value Added Tax in the Czech Republic and in the Federal Republic of Germany

Performance of the Structural Funds programmes of the European Union in the areas of employment and/or the environment

Report on the results of the international cooperation in excise duty administration audits between the Czech and the Slovak Republic in 2006

Joint Report on Parallel Audits of Expenditure on the Construction of the Motorway Prague – Dresden

State Funds Management and Performance of International Obligations in Hazardous Wastes Treatment (Basel Convention)

Report on the Results of Parallel Audit of Administration of Value Added Tax in the Czech Republic and in the Slovak Republic in 2005

Coordinated Audits of Implementation of Tasks Related to Environmental Projects and Measures in the Thaya River Basin

Parallel audit of the administration of value-added tax and excise taxes between the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic

Report on audit results in refugee facilities in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic