Energy Savings
Energy Savings Project

Following the SAO´s experience with writing INTOSAI guidances on environmental auditing (see e.g., Auditing Sustainable energy, Guidance for Supreme Audit Institutions, 2010), the SAO proposed leading a new project called “Energy Savings” at the 15th INTOSAI WGEA meeting in Estonia in June 2013. The cooperating SAIs were those of China, Egypt, Ethiopia, Morocco, the Netherlands, Norway, Slovakia, Swaziland, the UK, the USA, and Zambia.
The output of the project is a Study “Energy Savings” that focuses on the issue of energy savings and energy efficiency and on approach to this issue by SAIs. This study also contains knowledge, summaries, and recommendations from already-performed audits of SAIs from all over the world. At the end of October 2016, the Energy Savings study was approved as an official INTOSAI publication.
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- Energy Savings (pdf, 4007 kB)