Management of the State Budget Funds Provided for Employment of Citizens with Reduced Work Abilities

Press release on completion of the auditing operation No. 05/17

The aim of the auditing operation “Management of the State Budget Funds Provided for Employment of Citizens with Reduced Work Abilities” was to examine the using of grants and subsidies provided from the state budget for partial compensation of increased costs to entrepreneurs who employ more then 50% of citizens with reduced work ability. The auditing operation covered the period 2003 and 2004 at 36 audited entities.

The auditing operation was managed by Mr. Jan Holeček, Member of the SAO.

Grants, subsidies and returnable financial assistances for this purpose amounted to more than CZK 800 million in 2003 and more than CZK 1 billion in 2004. The results of the auditing operation show that the current system is functioning and providing funds to employers, employing more than 50% of citizens with reduced work ability was operated in compliance with legal regulations, except that the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs did not always followed the guidelines, which it itself issued.

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