Database of Audits

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Records found: 32

Audit No.Subject of the auditMember of the BoardPublication datePress release
04/41Recoverable financial assistances rendered to the Office of Supervision of Saving & Credit Co-operatives and funds that are managed by the Insurance Fund of Saving & Credit Co-operativesKrejčová Jana, Ing. 29.6.2005html
04/37State budget funds provided as a state contribution to supplementary pension insurance participantsKrejčová Jana, Ing. 30.3.2005html
03/11State property under the management of the Czech Consolidation AgencyKrejčová Jana, Ing. 12.7.2004html
02/36State budget chapter - the Office of the President of the RepublicKrejčová Jana, Ing. 12.8.2003
02/23Management of the state budget funds earmarked for the population and housing censusKrejčová Jana, Ing. 8.11.2002
02/19State budget chapter - the Office of the Czech GovernmentKrejčová Jana, Ing. 12.8.2003
02/16Administration and transfers of tax gains from the state budget to the municipal cost accountsKrejčová Jana, Ing. 26.5.2003
01/34State property management and budget funds earmarked for the Export Guarantee and Insurance Corporation and the Czech Export BankKrejčová Jana, Ing. 12.9.2002
01/01State budget chapter - the Czech Securities and Exchange CommissionKrejčová Jana, Ing. 31.10.2001
00/37Management of allowance organizations within the competence of Ministry of HealthKrejčová Jana, Ing. 20.7.2001
00/19State budget chapter - Ministry of FinanceKrejčová Jana, Ing. 31.10.2001
99/27Management of allowance organizations within the competence of Ministry of AgricultureKrejčová Jana, Ing. 20.10.2000
99/12State obligations arising from issues of state bondsKrejčová Jana, Ing. 28.1.2000
99/09State property and budget funds managed by the Czech Customs Administration, customs directories, and customs officesKrejčová Jana, Ing. 28.1.2000
98/16Financial resources levied under the law by the General Health Insurance CompanyKrejčová Jana, Ing. 8.10.1999
98/02Custom office procedures during fulfilment of the state budgetKrejčová Jana, Ing. 30.6.1999
97/34Krejčová Jana, Ing. 30.6.1998
97/08Krejčová Jana, Ing. 31.12.1997
96/39Krejčová Jana, Ing. 30.6.1997
96/22Krejčová Jana, Ing. 28.3.1997
96/21Krejčová Jana, Ing. 30.6.1997
96/05Krejčová Jana, Ing. 31.12.1996
95/21Krejčová Jana, Ing. 29.3.1996
95/18Krejčová Jana, Ing. 28.6.1996
95/16Krejčová Jana, Ing. 30.9.1996
94/28Krejčová Jana, Ing. 31.3.1995
94/17Krejčová Jana, Ing. 30.9.1995
94/03Krejčová Jana, Ing. 30.9.1994
93/39Krejčová Jana, Ing. 30.6.1994
93/36Krejčová Jana, Ing. 30.6.1994
93/31Krejčová Jana, Ing. 30.6.1994
93/05Krejčová Jana, Ing. 28.12.1993

Last update: 24.3.2025. Info:

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