Database of Audits

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Records found: 41

Audit No.Subject of the auditMember of the BoardPublication datePress release
15/15Taxation of real estate, real estate possession transfer and property acquired by inheritance or giftProfeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 21.3.2016html
14/34Establishment of the State Land Office according to the Act No. 503/2012 Coll. on State Land Office and its management of state property and fundsProfeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 10.8.2015html
14/17Value added tax administration and the impacts of legislative amendments for the state budget revenuesProfeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 27.4.2015html
14/14State budget funds under the state budget chapter General Treasury ManagementProfeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 16.3.2015html
13/35State budget revenues from lottery and other similar games Profeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 1.9.2014html
13/23State budget funds earmarked for the funding of sport centres supporting sports and fitness in the government departments of the Czech RepublicProfeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 3.3.2014html
13/15Administration of levies from the breach of budgetary discipline Profeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 2.12.2013html
13/02Tax arrears administered by tax officesProfeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 3.2.2014html
12/35Establishment of the Labour Office of the Czech Republic and management of state budget’s and the EU’s property and funds related to the establishment and activity of this office and to preparation and implementation of projects in the area of welfare disbursement information systemsProfeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 9.9.2013html
12/22State funds provided to non-state, non-profit organisations through the budget chapter the Ministry of the InteriorProfeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 6.5.2013html
12/01State income from the fines imposed by territorial financial authorities according to Act on Accounting and by courts in relation to the management of the Collection of DocumentsProfeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 11.2.2013html
11/30Funds spent on consultation, legal, and counselling services that were paid out from the State budget heading No. 312 - Ministry of FinanceProfeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 29.10.2012html
11/24Funds from the State budget heading "Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports" that were provided for to support activities in the area of youth and sports of handicappedProfeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 23.7.2012html
11/08Funds spent on preparations and realization of State A-levelsProfeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 19.3.2012html
11/03State funds earmarked for compensations under the Act on Liability for Damage Based Either on Maladministration or on Illegal DecisionsProfeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 4.11.2011html
10/21Funds provided for support of agricultural activities in compliance with Act No. 252/1997 Coll., on Agriculture, by the Ministry of Agriculture from the national sourcesProfeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 8.8.2011html
10/16State property under the management of selected museums Profeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 6.5.2011html
10/08Administration of payments for the breach of budgetary discipline Profeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 14.2.2011html
09/21State property under the management of the Office of the Government Representation in Property AffairsProfeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 22.6.2010html
09/06State property under the management of the government agencies and organizations co-funded from the state budget that were established in the years 2007 and 2008Profeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 30.9.2009html
08/31State property management of the Czech Consolidation Agency after its terminationProfeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 8.7.2009html
08/12Sales of state´s real estates managed by the Land Fund of the Czech republicProfeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 3.12.2008html
08/02Funds provided within the supporting programmes (national and EU programmes)Profeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 8.9.2008html
07/17State property and funds allotted for activities of selected institutions supporting physical training and sports in the CRProfeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 31.3.2008html
07/14Immovable assets of the Ministry of DefenceProfeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 25.3.2008html
06/34Financial resources spent on land adjustment from Ministry of Agriculture state budget Chapter, Land Fund of the Czech Republic, Territory and Agricultural Development Program, and the SAPARD ProgramProfeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 12.9.2007html
06/30Financial resources earmarked for cross-frontier cooperation programsProfeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 21.6.2007html
06/14State budget finances spent on the "Programme to Support the Regional Functions of Libraries"Profeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 28.11.2006
06/11State property and state budget funds from the chapter "Ministry of Culture"Profeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 20.9.2006html
05/36The state immovable assets administered by the Children and Youth Fund "winding-up"Profeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 20.3.2006html
05/33Management of the state budget funds spent for providing of investment incentives and investment aids on the basis of "Memorandum of Understanding Declaring Common Intention"Profeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 19.9.2006html
05/27The Czech Consolidation Agency management of state property and fundsProfeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 28.6.2006html
05/07Management of the State Budget funds, which were expended by the Ministry of Culture on the 2002 flood damages repairProfeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 9.1.2006html
04/38Management of the state budget funds from the programme "Build-up and technical renewal of hospitals and medical facilities under responsibility of the Ministry of Health" within the region of Usti nad LabemProfeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 29.6.2005html
04/11Funds of the State Budget Chapter - the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs spent and collected in the context of protection of employees in the case of employers’ insolvencyProfeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 7.1.2005html
04/10State budget funds earmarked for the National Programme Sport for AllProfeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 30.3.2005html
03/30State budget funds spent on providing investment incentivesProfeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 30.9.2004html
03/16State incomes from the fines imposed, collected, and recovered by administrative bodiesProfeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 10.5.2004html
03/05Administration of subsidies provided from the state budget performed by regional financial authoritiesProfeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 16.2.2004
03/03Management of the property, rights and obligations of the Czech Republic in connection with district authorities dissolvingProfeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 14.11.2003
02/29Mandatory indicators’ abidance of the state budget since 2000Profeldová Zdeňka, Mgr. 26.5.2003

Last update: 24.3.2025. Info:

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