Database of Audits

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Records found: 27

Audit No.Subject of the auditMember of the BoardPublication datePress release
01/29Prescription and administration of the income taxBárta František, JUDr. 7.2.2003
01/14Fulfilling the duties of tax administrationBárta František, JUDr. 15.2.2002
00/25Corporation Income TaxBárta František, JUDr. 20.7.2001
00/20Foreign financial aid to the Czech RepublicBárta František, JUDr. 31.10.2001
00/13Value Added Tax and Consumer TaxBárta František, JUDr. 26.1.2001
99/37State budget chapter - Ministry of Culture and acquiring and technical renewal of libraries, museums, galleries, and theatresBárta František, JUDr. 20.10.2000
99/31Fees imposed and exacted by administrative institutions of the Czech RepublicBárta František, JUDr. 20.10.2000
99/21Corporation Income TaxBárta František, JUDr. 28.7.2000
99/17State budget chapter - Czech Statistical OfficeBárta František, JUDr. 28.1.2000
99/04Earnings from regulation charges and fee stampsBárta František, JUDr. 28.1.2000
98/04Financial resources from the state budget chapter General Cash Administration provided for pension insurance payersBárta František, JUDr. 30.6.1999
98/01Assessment and calculation of the Corporation Income Tax of state enterprisesBárta František, JUDr. 30.6.1999
97/35Bárta František, JUDr. 30.6.1998
97/07Bárta František, JUDr. 31.12.1997
97/06Bárta František, JUDr. 31.12.1997
96/42Bárta František, JUDr. 30.6.1998
96/38Bárta František, JUDr. 30.6.1997
96/26Bárta František, JUDr. 30.6.1997
96/07Bárta František, JUDr. 30.9.1996
96/06Bárta František, JUDr. 30.9.1996
95/20Bárta František, JUDr. 29.3.1996
95/09Bárta František, JUDr. 29.12.1995
95/03Bárta František, JUDr. 29.12.1995
94/26Bárta František, JUDr. 30.6.1995
94/15Bárta František, JUDr. 30.12.1994
94/12Bárta František, JUDr. 30.9.1994
93/43Bárta František, JUDr. 31.3.1994

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