Database of Audits

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Records found: 32

Audit No.Subject of the auditMember of the BoardPublication datePress release
13/40Managing state property and finances in relation to the use of property by selected government institutionsBrandt Zdeněk, Ing. 30.6.2014html
13/36Funds spent on services aimed at the support of agricultural products and food on the local state marketBrandt Zdeněk, Ing. 11.8.2014html
13/17EU and state budget funds earmarked for the implementation of the Operational Programme Enterprise and InnovationBrandt Zdeněk, Ing. 14.4.2014html
12/36Funds spent on the purchase and operation of the system of data boxesBrandt Zdeněk, Ing. 23.9.2013html
12/07State property and funds allotted to the selected psychiatric hospitalsBrandt Zdeněk, Ing. 7.1.2013html
11/06Funds and State property under the management of several national parks’ administrationsBrandt Zdeněk, Ing. 12.1.2012html
10/14Funds earmarked for measures regarding the waste disposalBrandt Zdeněk, Ing. 18.5.2011html
10/12Funds provided for the improvement of nature and landscapeBrandt Zdeněk, Ing. 12.4.2011html
09/28Programmes for co-funding projects for building and expansion of winter sports resorts Brandt Zdeněk, Ing. 29.11.2010html
09/26Funds earmarked for transport infrastructure projects under the regional operational programmesBrandt Zdeněk, Ing. 21.2.2011html
09/10State property and funds allotted for operations of district courts and courts with competences of district courts Brandt Zdeněk, Ing. 23.12.2009html
08/38Funds allotted for support programmes for energy production from sustainable energy resources and for energy savings supportBrandt Zdeněk, Ing. 1.10.2009html
08/29Funds allotted for programmes of support for development of industrial zones and regeneration of brownfieldsBrandt Zdeněk, Ing. 18.6.2009html
08/07Funds of the state budget spent on support to technology centres and strategic services centresBrandt Zdeněk, Ing. 10.12.2008html
08/03Funds of the state budget chapter “Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports” allotted for research and developmentBrandt Zdeněk, Ing. 9.10.2008html
07/03Management of the LOM PRAHA state-owned enterprise and the ordering expenses of Ministry of DefenceBrandt Zdeněk, Ing. 12.12.2007html
07/02Financial resources assessed for the air conservationBrandt Zdeněk, Ing. 17.10.2007html
06/33Financial resources provided for the Czech Republic within the frame of financial support from European economic Area and NorwayBrandt Zdeněk, Ing. 21.6.2007html
06/17State property and finances provided for the work of national parks and other protected territoriesBrandt Zdeněk, Ing. 3.1.2007html
06/05Financial resources earmarked for research and development in the area of environmentBrandt Zdeněk, Ing. 2.10.2006html
05/28Management of the state funds dealing with dangerous wasteBrandt Zdeněk, Ing. 1.6.2006html
05/08Management of funds earmarked for the State programme of energy saving and renewable energy resources supportBrandt Zdeněk, Ing. 9.1.2006html
05/05Management with funds earmarked for the support of the ecological agricultureBrandt Zdeněk, Ing. 5.10.2005html
04/36Funds for programmes relating to the protection against floodBrandt Zdeněk, Ing. 7.1.2005html
04/20Financial resources provided in the framework of the EU supportive programmes ISPA and PHARE for improving the environment measuresBrandt Zdeněk, Ing. 29.6.2005html
04/01Funds spent on the River Systems Revitalization ProgrammeBrandt Zdeněk, Ing. 7.1.2005html
03/34Ecological projects and measures in the Thaya river basin financed by state funds and funds provided to the Czech Republic from abroadBrandt Zdeněk, Ing. 7.1.2005html
03/24State budget funds earmarked for small and medium-sized enterprisesBrandt Zdeněk, Ing. 30.9.2004html
03/09Implementation of the National Programme for Preparation of the Czech Republic for the EU Membership in the area of agricultureBrandt Zdeněk, Ing. 10.5.2004html
03/02Implementation of the National Programme for the Adoption of the Acquis in the field of the environmentBrandt Zdeněk, Ing. 16.2.2004
02/28State budget chapter - Ministry of AgricultureBrandt Zdeněk, Ing. 14.11.2003
02/15The programme for renovation of regional landsBrandt Zdeněk, Ing. 26.5.2003

Last update: 24.3.2025. Info:

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