Database of Audits

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Records found: 23

Audit No.Subject of the auditMember of the BoardPublication datePress release
24/25Assets and funds under the management of the State Institute for Drug ControlStárek Jan, Ing.
24/08Funds spent on the activities of sports centres of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of DefenceStárek Jan, Ing.
23/29State and EU funds earmarked for the support of social inclusionStárek Jan, Ing. 9.12.2024html
23/12Funds collected on the basis of law in favour of the Health Insurance Company of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech RepublicStárek Jan, Ing. 17.6.2024html
22/28State and EU budget funds earmarked for employment supportStárek Jan, Ing. 4.12.2023html
22/13State property and funds under the management of selected university hospitalsStárek Jan, Ing. 14.8.2023html
21/31Funds of the state budget and of the EU spent on the project Methodological optimisation and streamlining of the payment system for hospital care in the Czech Republic Stárek Jan, Ing.
21/29State budget and EU funds earmarked for family policy supportStárek Jan, Ing. 28.11.2022html
21/21State funds spent on a soft targets protection systemStárek Jan, Ing. 11.7.2022html
20/29State property and funds allotted to the Military Intelligence of the Czech Republic Stárek Jan, Ing.
20/24Funds collected under the law in favour of the General Health Insurance Company of the Czech RepublicStárek Jan, Ing. 16.5.2022html
19/25Property and state funds managed by the Radioactive Waste Repository AuthorityStárek Jan, Ing. 9.11.2020html
19/20University education of members of the security forces and soldiers of the armed forcesStárek Jan, Ing. 7.12.2020html
19/02Assets and state funds intended for the operation of the General Directorate of CustomsStárek Jan, Ing. 6.1.2020html
18/30State funds and state property under the management of selected police schools of the Ministry of the InteriorStárek Jan, Ing. 9.9.2019html
18/20State funds earmarked for the crime preventionStárek Jan, Ing. 17.6.2019html
18/14Funds collected in accordance with the law in favour of the Military Health Insurance Company of the Czech RepublicStárek Jan, Ing. 13.5.2019html
18/11State funds earmarked for the development and renewal of the material-technical base of the regional healthcare systemStárek Jan, Ing. 25.2.2019html
17/29State property and funds allotted to the operation of the Security Information ServiceStárek Jan, Ing.
17/19Funds spent by selected hospitals on settlement of operating costsStárek Jan, Ing. 3.9.2018html
16/20State funds spent by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports on the development and renewal of the material-technical base of sports Stárek Jan, Ing. 29.5.2017html
16/13Funds spent on development of education in the Czech RepublicStárek Jan, Ing. 10.4.2017html
15/38State property and funds allotted to the state-funded organisation "Vojenská lázeňská a rekreační zařízení" (Army Spa and Recreational Facilities)Stárek Jan, Ing. 10.10.2016html

Last update: 24.3.2025. Info:

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