Database of Audits
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Records found: 48
Audit No. | Subject of the audit | Member of the Board | Publication date | Press release |
13/13 | State funds allotted to regional healtcare institutions | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 31.3.2014 | html |
13/05 | State property under the management of "Palivový kombinát Ústí", state-owned enterprise | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 6.1.2014 | html |
12/33 | Funds earmarked for the purchase of selected technical equipment and weaponry for land forces and specialized forces of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 18.11.2013 | html |
12/20 | Funds collected in accordance with Act on Hazardous Waste Management | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 1.7.2013 | html |
12/12 | Incomes from the motorway toll and from time coupons (time framed charge for using roads) including related expenditures | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 13.5.2013 | html |
11/18 | Funds earmarked for the development of urban and rural areas under the regional operational programme “North-East” for the period 2007-2013 | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 10.9.2012 | html |
11/12 | Funds earmarked for the development and renewal of the material-technical base of the Police of the Czech Republic | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 16.4.2012 | html |
11/04 | Funds earmarked for the air quality improvement and emissions reduction | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 30.1.2012 | html |
10/18 | State property under the management of DIAMO, state-owned enterprise | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 15.7.2011 | html |
10/17 | Receivables under the administration of the Prison service of the Czech Republic | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 15.7.2011 | html |
10/10 | Funds earmarked for acquisition of selected equipment of the Armed Forces of the Czech Republic | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 24.5.2011 | html |
09/24 | Funds earmarked for housing support programmes | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 14.9.2010 | html |
09/17 | Funds earmarked for building and reconstruction of administrative facilities of the Ministry of Defence | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 2.6.2010 | html |
08/34 | Funds of the state budget allotted for family support | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 9.9.2008 | html |
08/32 | Funds of the state budget allotted for the construction of the International Clinical Research Centre in Brno | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 9.7.2009 | html |
08/22 | Funds allotted for wastewater treatment | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 9.6.2009 | html |
07/18 | Funds of the state budget spent on Programme of social prevention and crime prevention | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 15.4.2008 | html |
07/08 | Management of state budget funds provided for the Labour Administration Office | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 13.11.2007 | html |
06/29 | State budget funds spent on development and reinvestment of material and technical basis of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports control system | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 28.6.2007 | html |
06/28 | State property and budget funds earmarked for customs administration service | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 21.6.2007 | html |
06/10 | State budget funds provided for the program "The support of the property reproduction for regional healthcare facilities" | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 26.9.2006 | html |
05/37 | State budget funds earmarked for payments of liabilities that belonged to health service facilities established by former district offices | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 1.6.2006 | html |
05/34 | Excise Duty Administration | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 21.9.2006 | html |
05/02 | Management with the state property and funds under the authority of the Ministry of Informatics | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 5.10.2005 | html |
04/39 | Fulfilment of the tax obligations related to fixed assets, which were handed over by the Land Fund of the Czech Republic | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 29.6.2005 | html |
04/13 | State budget funds provided for the Programme of supporting and optimisating of the regional healthcare facilities network | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 30.3.2005 | html |
03/13 | State budget funds earmarked for the programme Construction and reconstruction of elementary and secondary school buildings | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 10.5.2004 | html |
03/06 | State programme of support to tourism | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 16.2.2004 | |
02/30 | Active debts management of the National Property Fund of the Czech Republic | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 26.5.2003 | |
02/26 | Financial resources from the state budget provided for the forest management | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 26.5.2003 | |
02/14 | Real estates managed by the Land Fund of the Czech Republic | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 14.11.2003 | |
01/37 | Financial resources provided for tax drawbacks from fuel consumption within agricultural industry, forest nursery, and regeneration of forests | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 12.9.2002 | |
01/33 | State budget funds earmarked for supporting projects of the Ministry of Agriculture | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | ||
01/21 | State property and investment donations provided for health facilities | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 12.9.2002 | |
01/06 | Subsidies from the state budget chapter General Cash Administration provided for land adjustments | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 31.10.2001 | |
00/28 | State budget chapter - the Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 31.10.2001 | |
00/15 | Management of state enterprises | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 20.7.2001 | |
00/08 | State property held by health facilities founded by district authorities | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 26.1.2001 | |
99/07 | State property managed by the Land Fund of the Czech Republic | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 28.7.2000 | |
98/33 | State property managed by district authorities | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 8.10.1999 | |
98/30 | Management of the state enterprise Spa in Trebon and its privatization | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 30.6.1999 | |
98/17 | State budget funds earmarked for the after-flood reconstruction within the field of Ministry of Agriculture | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 30.6.1999 | |
98/13 | State budget funds earmarked for the Regional Development Programme | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 31.12.1998 | |
97/01 | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 31.12.1997 | ||
96/10 | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 31.12.1996 | ||
95/19 | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 28.6.1996 | ||
94/41 | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 30.9.1997 | ||
93/41 | Němeček Rudolf, MVDr. | 29.12.1995 |
Last update: 24.3.2025. Info: