Database of Audits

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Records found: 45

Audit No.Subject of the auditMember of the BoardPublication datePress release
09/01State property under the management of the police academies of the Ministry of Interior Zeman Ladislav, Ing. 3.8.2009html
08/20Funds of the state budget allotted for the church and religious organizationsZeman Ladislav, Ing. 21.4.2009html
08/17Funds of the state budget spent on environment-friendly disposal of useless ammunition and related activities of the Ministry of DefenceZeman Ladislav, Ing. 5.2.2009html
08/01Outsourcing of the Ministry of Defence to provide activities of general securityZeman Ladislav, Ing. 19.11.2008html
07/21State property and financial maens of the state budget allotted for air defence of the stateZeman Ladislav, Ing. 12.6.2008html
07/01Automotive technical equipment of the Fire Rescue Service CRZeman Ladislav, Ing. 23.11.2007html
06/22State property and budget funds earmarked for military healthcareZeman Ladislav, Ing. 4.5.2007html
06/19Tactical air force of the Czech ArmyZeman Ladislav, Ing. 28.5.2007html
06/08Automotive technical equipment of the Police of the Czech RepublicZeman Ladislav, Ing. 7.12.2006html
05/26Management of state property and finances earmarked for protection against weapons of mass destruction, passive monitoring systems and electronic combat in the Army of the Czech RepublicZeman Ladislav, Ing. 30.6.2006
05/21Management of the state property and funds earmarked for aeronautic equipment of the Air Police of the Czech RepublicZeman Ladislav, Ing. 2.6.2006html
05/14The management of the state property and funds while information systems building for the Ministry of DefenceZeman Ladislav, Ing. 29.3.2006html
04/33State property managed by the Administration of the Military Housing ResourcesZeman Ladislav, Ing. 9.1.2006html
04/28Automotive technical equipment of the Army of the Czech RepublicZeman Ladislav, Ing. 7.10.2005
04/02Aviation technology of the Army of the Czech RepublicZeman Ladislav, Ing. 30.3.2005
03/07State budget funds and state property allotted for equipment of the Armed Forces of the Czech RepublicZeman Ladislav, Ing. 16.2.2004
02/35State budget funds earmarked for the supporting programme for renewal of vineyards and for out-planting in new areasZeman Ladislav, Ing. 16.2.2004
02/24State property and budget funds spent on the organisation providing service arrangements of the Ministry of Internal AffairsZeman Ladislav, Ing. 7.2.2003
02/12State property management and state budget funds spent on acquiring of the military infrastructureZeman Ladislav, Ing. 14.11.2003
02/05State budget funds earmarked for construction of the Virsky Regional Water MainZeman Ladislav, Ing. 7.2.2003
02/04Financial resources spent on providing the ammunition of the Army of the Czech RepublicZeman Ladislav, Ing. 26.5.2003
01/27State budget funds earmarked for activities of the public emergency servicesZeman Ladislav, Ing. 7.2.2003
01/13State property and funds earmarked for facilities providing inpatient treatment and institutional educationZeman Ladislav, Ing. 15.2.2002
01/10State budget funds earmarked for development projects for fighting capacity advancements in the Army of the Czech RepublicZeman Ladislav, Ing. 15.2.2002
00/34State property and budget funds spent on modernisation of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of the Czech RepublicZeman Ladislav, Ing. 31.10.2001
00/22State budget funds and financial resources of district authorities provided for ensuring the transport network operationZeman Ladislav, Ing. 26.3.2001
00/12State budget chapter - Ministry of Defence and budget funds earmarked for modernisations of the system of command and operational activities of the Armed Forces of the Czech RepublicZeman Ladislav, Ing. 26.3.2001
00/11State property and budget funds managed by the State Veterinary Administration and state veterinary institutesZeman Ladislav, Ing. 26.3.2001
99/39State budget chapter - Ministry of Regional DevelopmentZeman Ladislav, Ing. 26.1.2001
99/26State budget chapter - Ministry of Defence and updating of the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of the Czech RepublicZeman Ladislav, Ing. 20.10.2000
98/24State property and budget funds earmarked for modernization of the Air Force of the Czech armyZeman Ladislav, Ing. 8.10.1999
98/08State subsidies provided for development of urban transport systems and jitney parksZeman Ladislav, Ing. 31.3.1999
97/25Zeman Ladislav, Ing. 30.6.1998
97/03Zeman Ladislav, Ing. 31.3.1998
96/27Zeman Ladislav, Ing. 30.6.1997
96/03Zeman Ladislav, Ing. 31.12.1996
95/32Zeman Ladislav, Ing. 29.12.1995
95/12Zeman Ladislav, Ing. 29.3.1996
95/05Zeman Ladislav, Ing. 29.3.1996
94/43Zeman Ladislav, Ing. 31.3.1995
94/42Zeman Ladislav, Ing. 30.9.1995
94/16Zeman Ladislav, Ing. 30.9.1995
94/11Zeman Ladislav, Ing. 30.12.1994
93/30Zeman Ladislav, Ing. 28.12.1993
93/22Zeman Ladislav, Ing. 30.6.1994

Last update: 24.3.2025. Info:

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