Database of Audits

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Records found: 38

Audit No.Subject of the auditMember of the BoardPublication datePress release
14/08State funds in the area of pension insuranceKadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 19.1.2015html
13/22Funds collected in accordance with law in favour of the Czech Industrial Health Insurance CompanyKadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 23.6.2014html
13/10Foreign claims of the Czech Republic administered by the Ministry of FinanceKadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 10.2.2014html
12/29Funds spent on the purchase of selected commodities in the Ministry of the Interior in relation to the project of the central purchaseKadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 4.11.2013html
12/23Funds spent by selected university hospitals on their operational costsKadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 29.7.2013html
12/17State budget funds and state property allotted to the Municipal Financial Company, joint-stock company, funds guaranteed by the state and state share in the companyKadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 29.4.2013html
11/33Funds and State property under the management of several State FundsKadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 13.8.2012html
11/09State financial assets, especially funds in the Nuclear Account Kadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 14.2.2012html
10/11Financing operations and state budget funds under the budget heading “State debt” Kadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 18.4.2011html
10/03State funds earmarked for supporting and integration of disabled personsKadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 30.11.2010html
09/29Funds collected upon the act in favour of the General Health Insurance Company of the Czech Republic Kadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 27.1.2011html
09/15Funds and state property under the management of the Radioactive Waste Repository Authority Kadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 10.3.2010html
08/36Funds collected in compliance with the law by the Military Health Insurance Company of the Czech RepublicKadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 10.8.2009html
08/11Funds collected in compliance with law by the Czech National Health Insurance CompanyKadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 2.12.2008html
08/08State financial assets and funds of the state budget included in the chapter “State Financial Assets Operations”Kadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 14.11.2008html
07/15Loans and repayable financial assistance provided from the state budget and the state financial assetsKadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 13.2.2008html
07/07Customs gathering after Czech Republic's accession to the European UnionKadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 19.12.2007html
06/35State budget funds earmarked for National Strategy for ICT in EducationKadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 7.9.2007html
06/24State budget funds involved in the chapter "General Balance Administration"Kadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 10.5.2007html
06/15Management of state property and state budget funds in the Office of the Public Defender of Rights Kadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 5.12.2006html
06/09Funds drawn for publishing activities of state budget chapters' administratorsKadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 12.9.2006html
05/25Management of state property in connection with winding-up of the state enterprisesKadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 20.3.2006html
05/12Management of the state property by the State Securities PrinterKadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 9.1.2006html
05/10Support of agriculture and forestry provided through the Farming and Forestry Relief and Guarantee Fund, Inc.Kadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 9.1.2006html
04/09Social security benefits to socially needy personsKadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 7.1.2005html
04/04Recoverable financial assistances (interest-free loans) provided for the development of the agri-food complexKadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 29.6.2005html
03/28Management of the budget funds provided by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic to the legal and self-employed persons to support research and developmentKadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 30.9.2004html
03/04Finances provided to the Czech Republic for the PHARE CBC projectsKadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 14.11.2003
02/31State budget funds earmarked for the National Strategy for ICT in EducationKadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 12.8.2003
02/11State property and financial resources of the Czech National MuseumKadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 7.2.2003
01/31Management of the state property by the state enterprise PovodiKadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 12.9.2002
01/04State budget chapter - Ministry of Internal Affairs and funds spent on research and development projectsKadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 31.10.2001
00/35Financial resources from the PHARE programmes provided for business development in the Czech RepublicKadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 31.10.2001
00/21Investment grants endowed from the General Cash Administration to local institutions for prevention of criminal offencesKadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 20.7.2001
00/18State property and budget funds associated with implementation of the National Strategy for ICT in the state administrationKadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 20.7.2001
99/33Expediency and efficiency of the services in senior houses managed by district authoritiesKadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 28.7.2000
99/13State property managed by central administration authoritiesKadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 28.1.2000
98/32The Czech-Moravian Guarantee and Development Bank and grant-in-aids for small and middle entrepreneurial activitiesKadaňová Eliška, JUDr. 8.10.1999

Last update: 24.3.2025. Info:

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