Audit Section

Department of System Support for Audits

This department drafts an audit plan and changes thereto. It maintains a database of finished audits and a database of audit topics and suggestions, drafts medium-term audit plans, evaluates audit results, and prepares data for the annual report. It also prepares drafts of methodologies and standards as regards audit quality management in accordance with audit standards, assists audit departments in the implementation of standards, and analyses drafts of audit conclusions. Last but not least, it administers audit information software, co-operates with audit departments on processing data, and provides assistance as regards IT audits. The department compiles statement for the Report on Economic Progress and state budget implementation and statement on the draft of the state closing account.
Department of state budget audits

This department performs state budget audit. Audit activity is pointed at the tax system, revenues and expenditure of state budget, at revenues from the EU, and at management of the State Treasury and state debt. It performs audit of the Czech National Bank and other financial institutions in the extent of SAO´s powers (for example, the Czech Export Bank, Export Guarantee and Insurance Corporation) thereto. Audit is aimed at the chapters of state budget concerning “Ministry of Finance”, “General Treasury Management”, “State Financial Assets Operations”, “State Debt”, “Office of the President of the Republic”, “Chamber of Deputies of Parliament”, “Senate of Parliament”, “Office of the Government of the Czech Republic”, and “Czech Statistical Office”. It performs analyses in the area of management of the state budget chapters and it monitors fiscal policy of the individual chapters of state budget.
Department of audits of social affairs, the environment, education, culture, and healthcare

This department performs audits in the area of social affairs, the environment, education, sport, science, culture, and healthcare. It ensures methodological support for audit of subsidies and audit of state property management. The audit activity of this department is in particular aimed at areas of public administration concerning employment relations, work safety, employment and retraining, salaries and other remunerations for work, pensions, sickness insurance, accident insurance, social care, and at other issues concerning salary and social and family policies. It performs audits aimed at the environment, protection of air, water, soil, and nature and the landscape, management of waste, protection of rock and mineral sources. Furthermore, it performs audit in the area of education, science, research and development, care services for children and young people, physical education, sport, art, cultural and educational awareness, cultural monuments, in the area of church and religious communities, press and other media resources, radio and television broadcast, health service, protection of public health, health and scientific research activity, providers of health services in direct managing sphere of activity, handling of addictive drugs, protection and use of natural healing sources, medicine and medical technology resources and health insurance. The department mainly concentrates on chapters of state budget of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the Ministry of Culture, and the Ministry of Health.
Department of defence and security audits

This department performs audit in the area of defence, security, public order, fire protection, crisis management, protection of population and foreign affairs (in particular concerning chapters of state budget of the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Security Authority, the Security Information Service, and the General Inspectorate of Security Forces.
Department of agriculture and regional development audits

This department performs audit aimed at agriculture, rural development, forestry, fishery, water management, and food sector. Additionally, it is concerned with regional development, housing support, development of house and flat funds, tourism and undertaking (chiefly in state budget chapters of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Regional Development). Furthermore, it compiles Report on the EU Financial Management in the Czech Republic (EU Report). It ensures methodological support for audit of projects financed by the European Union and cooperates with the European Court of Auditors and the European Commission.
Department of transport, energy, and industry audits

This department performs audit concerned with transport, particularly in the area of transport infrastructure, transport accessibility, security of road and railway traffic, toll, waterborne transport and cycling transport. Furthermore, it performs audit in the area of industry and trade, the state energy conception, promotion of small and medium sized enterprises, promoting investments, industrial research and electronic communication. Its work is especially aimed at chapters of state budget of the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the State Mining Administration, the Industrial Property Office, the Administration of State Material Reserves, the State Office for Nuclear Safety, the Energy Regulatory Office and the Czech Telecommunication Office. The department also ensures methodological support for the given areas.
Department of performance audits

This department carries out performance audits, provides methodological assistance in performance audits and in advanced statistical analyses to other SAO departments. It monitors the development and modernisation of electronic public administration systems (e-Government) and public services. It analyses public contracts, subsidies, and programmes in the area of information and communication technologies and carries out audits focused on IT systems in public administration.
Department of financial audits

This department performs audit of data on management with public funds which are recorded in information systems of public sector and operating information systems and which serve for monitoring and management of public finances. The department performs financial audits and provides methodological help in the area of accounting and financial audit. It analyses data from information systems of public sector and processes overview of basic economical indicators of accounting units in individual chapters of state budget and further at local government units, independent municipality unions and regional councils of cohesion regions.
Regional departments
Apart from its headquarters in Prague, the SAO has also seven regional audit departments. These regional departments co-operate with the main audit departments on audits in the given region.
Regional department Ústí nad Labem

Mírové náměstí 3129/36, 400 01 Ústí nad Labem
director: Mr. Vladimír Ruta
e-mail: vladimir.ruta (at)
Regional department Plzeň

Regional department České Budějovice

L. B. Schneidera 2306/34, 370 01 České Budějovice 7 (New address from 15.2.2021)
director: Mr. Pavel Kantor
e-mail: pavel.kantor (at)
Regional department Hradec Králové

Habrmanova 19/1, 500 02 Hradec Králové
director: Ms. Markéta Nejmanová
e-mail: marketa.nejmanova (at)
Regional department Jihlava

Regional department Brno

Regional department Ostrava