Secretary of the SAO Board

Secretary of the SAO Board
The Secretary manages the Board Secretariat. She also proposes the agenda and dates of Board meetings to the SAO President, prepares materials for SAO Board and SAO Senate meetings, organises SAO Board and Senate meetings, and monitors fulfilment of the audit plans.
SAO Board Secretariat
The Secretariat oversees the organisation of the SAO Board and SAO Senate meetings, helps draft resolutions, draws up the minutes of the SAO Board and SAO Senate meetings, drafts authorisation proposals for SAO Members, audit team leaders and auditors, and keeps a record of such authorisations. It also keeps a record of auditees in the audit information system and manages the correspondence of the Board, Senates, and Members of the Supreme Audit Office.
Unit of Appeals
It provides professional and legal support to SAO Members that is associated with their activities in the SAO Board and Senates of the SAO, prepares documents for draft resolutions on appeals against decisions on objections, prepares professional and legal opinions, and provides consultancy to SAO Members.