Parkování Loket

Žádost ze dne 5. 1. 2023 o poskytnutí informací týkajících se poplatků za parkování osobního vozidla u Hradu Loket

Požadované informace:

1.Does the city of Loket consider the absence of receipts for parking fees as proper way of accounting of public funds?

2.Why staff with public service obligations of the city of Loket is not supplied with a proper certificate to approve their duties?

The current situation looks more like a 3rd world developing country than an UNESCO-site.

Poskytnuté informace:

We would like to inform you that the Supreme Audit Office (hereinafter referred to as „SAO“) is an independent constitutional institution which position, powers and activities are defined by Act No. 166/1993 Coll., on the Supreme Audit Office, as amended, and which supervises the execution of the state budget and the management of state property. In the case of territorial self-governing units (municipalities, cities, regions) and organizations established by them, the competence of the SAO applies only to the management of special-purpose subsidies provided to these entities from the state budget and from European funds. Other activities of territorial self-governing units and organizations established by them are not subject to the audit of the SAO. Furthermore, we state that the SAO carries out audits exclusively according to the approved annual audit plan drawn up using suggestions from its own activities, from the Parliament of the Czech Republic, its bodies and the government. The legal regulation of the position and control procedures of the SAO does not allow for operative investigations and assessment of facts based on individual initiatives of natural or legal persons.

Due to the facts above, the SAO is not authorized to take any measures regarding your submission. More detailed information on the scope and performance of the control activities of the SAO is available on our website.

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